All messages are still sent to the log file regardless of this level, however. For example: Allows you to specify a different scripting language, such as Python. --name=snapshot_name - Sets the name of the snapshot. The following is an integrated example showing the clearpart, zerombr, part, raid, volgroup, and logvol Kickstart options in action: This advanced example implements LVM over RAID, as well as the ability to resize various directories for future growth. --device= - specifies the device to be configured (and eventually activated in Anaconda) with the network command. The default value is 30. If necessary, additional packages can be added later after the installation. --enablesmbauth - Enables authentication of users against an SMB server (typically a Samba or Windows server). --recommended - Use this option when creating a swap logical volume to determine the size of this volume automatically, based on your system’s hardware. For example: Controls the error logging of Anaconda during installation. See for details. --chunksize=size - Specify the chunk size (in KiB) for a new thin pool device. Items within the sections do not have to be in a specific order unless otherwise specified. --gid= - The group’s GID. I got it all working exactly how I want it and wanted to provide the steps for anyone else attempting this. vg_name/lv_name - Sets the name of the volume group and logical volume to create the snapshot from. Install packages marked as optional in the group definition in the *-comps-variant.architecture.xml file, in addition to installing the default selections. It is frequently used to specify the user’s full name, office number, and so on. --disabled or --disable - Do not configure any iptables rules. This string will be copied into the /etc/fstab file of the installed system and should be enclosed in quotes. --password= - If using GRUB2, sets the boot loader password to the one specified with this option. Use the sshpw command to create temporary accounts through which to log on. For a volume, the syntax is: One or more partitions can be specified in partitions. The Red Hat Customer Portal delivers the knowledge, expertise, and guidance available through your Red Hat subscription. If you use the --activate option on a device that has already been activated (for example, an interface you configured with boot options so that the system could retrieve the Kickstart file) the device is reactivated to use the details specified in the Kickstart file. For example, instead of: You could use an entry similar to one of the following: This way the command will always target the same storage device. Can be used across different drives. Activation of the device can be also explicitly required by the --activate option. This option makes the installation program step through every screen, displaying each briefly. Names starting with vlan must take the form of vlanID - for example, vlan171. --interfacename= - Specify a custom interface name for a virtual LAN device. Normally, Kickstart installations skip unnecessary screens. The source can be either the full CentOS installation DVD ISO image, or an installation tree. Anaconda automatically detects and uses disks configured in BIOS or firmware and no special configuration is necessary in the Kickstart file. In addition to groups, you specify an entire environment to be installed: This command installs all packages which are part of the Infrastracture Server environment. All available layouts can be viewed on the xkeyboard-config(7) man page under Layouts. After the CentOS installer starts loading, the common standard CentOS 7 installation welcome screen will show up and the option Test this media & install CentOS 7 will be pre-selected by the cursor. The variables that can be used in yum repo config files are not supported here. The drive must contain a file system the installation program can mount: ext2, ext3, ext4, vfat, or xfs. For this option to work, the filesystem must support the concept of usage types and there must be a configuration file that lists valid types. --reserve-mb= - The amount of memory you want to reserve for kdump, in MiB. Only one of these two options can be used. For example, a volume group named volgrp-01 containing a logical volume named logvol-01 will be listed as /dev/mapper/volgrp--01-logvol--01. Kickstart overcoming UEFi or converting from MBR. No processing is done on the list of arguments, so they must be supplied in a format that can be passed directly to the mkfs program. When using this option, specify the target size (in MiB) using the --size= option and the target partition using the --onpart= option. Logs the script’s output into the specified log file. Kickstart installations are performed in graphical mode by default. The DHCP method uses a DHCP server system to obtain its networking configuration. To specify a multipath device that does not use logical volume management (LVM), use the format disk/by-id/dm-uuid-mpath-WWID, where WWID is the world-wide identifier for the device. --port= - Provide a port that the remote VNC viewer process is listening on. I was poking at a Centos 7 image. --port= (required) - the port number (typically, --port=3260). And I’m willing to bet this stuff changes a LOT between versions of anaconda, especially in new areas like UEFI firmware as during Fedora testing in the approximate lifecycle of RHEL 7, there were lots of bugs and lots of fixes. The installation then proceeds successfully. Right now my kickstart only works on non-EFI systems but I'd like it to work on both and choose whether to use EFI or not. The error message will direct you to where the cause of the failure is logged. Do NOT use a comma-separated format such as --trust em1, em2. This group contains all packages which are known to cause file conflicts, and is intended to be excluded. --encrypted - Specifies that this partition should be encrypted, using the passphrase provided in the --passphrase option. If you do not specify a passphrase, the installation program uses the default, system-wide passphrase set with the autopart --passphrase command, or stops the installation and prompts you to provide a passphrase if no default is set. For example, the following clears all the partitions on the first two drives on the primary IDE controller: To clear a multipath device, use the format disk/by-id/scsi-WWID, where WWID is the world-wide identifier for the device. Use a leading dash (-) to specify packages or groups to exclude from the installation. Kickstart installations offer a means to automate the installation process, either partially or fully. Example Kickstart file for installing and starting the RNG daemon, Making an Installation USB Drive on Linux, Making an Installation USB Drive on Windows, Consoles and Logging During the Installation, Installing in the Graphical User Interface, Reference Table for ext4 and XFS Commands. --fstype= - Selects one of the available file system types. It is not related in any way to core packages as defined in the Package Manifest and Scope of Coverage Details. --ldapserver= - If you specified either --enableldap or --enableldapauth, use this option to specify the name of the LDAP server to use. The following example sets up two keyboard layouts (English (US) and Czech (qwerty)) using the --xlayouts= option, and allows to switch between them using Alt+Shift: Either the --vckeymap= or the --xlayouts= option must be used. These add-ons can expand the basic Kickstart (and Anaconda) functionality in many ways. --chunksize= - Sets the chunk size of a RAID storage in KiB. While --location=none simply disables boot loader installation, --disabled disables boot loader installation and also disables installation of the package containing the boot loader, thus saving space. Each drive is divided into five partitions, and each drive is partitioned into an identical layout. --opts= - Options to pass to the kernel module. Create boot media, which will be used to begin the installation. Automatically enters the installation program’s rescue mode. This option only works during the installation. Sample Kickstart File for RHEL/CentOS 7/8 . This is due to the POODLE SSL vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). These include a /boot/efi partition for systems with UEFI firmware, a biosboot partition for systems with BIOS firmware and GPT, and a PRePBoot partition for IBM Power Systems. The following is an example %anaconda section: This example %anaconda section sets a password policy which requires that the root password be at least 10 characters long, and strictly forbids passwords which do not match this requirement. For example: disables only the auditd service. Takes the form of comma-separated list without spaces. --noformat or --useexisting - Use an existing Btrfs volume (or subvolume) and do not reformat the file system. Therefore, if the LHS and RHS values need to have a period placed in front of them, you must include the period in the values you set for --hesiodlhs and --hesiodrhs. --encrypted - Specifies that this logical volume should be encrypted, using the passphrase provided in the --passphrase= option. To use this option, you must have the nss-pam-ldapd package installed. Instead of having a set of partitioning commands in the Kickstart file, include the following line: The partitioning commands selected in the script will be used. In this article, we will add UEFI support to our PXE Boot Server on CentOS 7. --client-software= - Only join realms which can run this client software. Packages which are only being installed as dependencies without being specified in the Kickstart file are only installed in architecture versions in which they are needed, even if they are available for more architectures. --vckeymap= - Specify a VConsole keymap which should be used. --biospart= - BIOS partition to install from (such as 82). For other completion methods, see the halt, poweroff, and shutdown Kickstart options. Kickstart files can be kept on a single server system and read by individual computers during the installation. Use default to apply the default profile. --plaintext - If this option is present, the password argument is assumed to be in plain text. This section must be placed towards the end of the Kickstart file, after the Kickstart commands described in Kickstart Commands and Options, and must start with %anaconda and end with %end. The %pre and %post sections, and the %onerror section - these sections can be in any order and are not required. Omitting any required item results in the installation program prompting the user for an answer to the related item, just as the user would be prompted during a typical installation. Initial Setup does not run after a system is installed from a Kickstart file unless a desktop environment and the X Window System were included in the installation and graphical login was enabled. The source code for this UI is licensed under the terms of the MPL-2.0 license. Takes the form of a 16-digit number, preceded by 0x. For example: The following is an example %pre section: This script determines the number of hard drives in the system and writes a text file with a different partitioning scheme depending on whether it has one or two drives. This is especially useful when deploying CentOS on a large number of systems at once. For the snippets and examples used of this article I will be using Red Hat 7.3 vanilla DVD content but the same steps can be used to create a customized CentOS DVD. For example: The above command creates a bond device named mynetwork using the em1 and em2 interfaces as its slaves. If access to services running on this machine is needed, you can choose to allow specific services through the firewall. To direct a system to use DHCP: To direct a machine to use BOOTP to obtain its networking configuration, use the following line in the Kickstart file: To direct a machine to use the configuration specified in iBFT, use: The static method requires that you specify at least the IP address and netmask in the Kickstart file. All partitions created are formatted as part of the installation process unless --noformat and --onpart are used. --all - Erases all partitions from the system. --gid= - The GID (Group ID) to be used for the user’s group. Alright, I was able to get the iso to boot on a uefi and a BIOS virtual machine with the following: Can you use PXE boot server? --encrypted - Encrypts all partitions. --spares= - Specifies the number of spare drives allocated for the RAID array. First, the clearpart command is used on drives hda and hdc to wipe them. The exact way to specify the boot option depends on your system’s architecture - see Boot Options for details. Use this option with caution. Accepts the following values: plain: Regular partitions with no LVM or Btrfs. The only way to exclude the @Core package group is with the --nocore option. This option must be used along with --vlanid=. For more information regarding LVM, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Logical Volume Manager Administration guide. The following example shows how to create a RAID level 1 partition for /, and a RAID level 5 for /home, assuming there are three SCSI disks on the system. If your Kickstart file also includes a %post section, the order in which the %pre and %post sections are included does not matter. 1. Current status for x86_64 install media The main volume is not mounted or used directly in this example. --nisdomain= - NIS domain name to use for NIS services. After the installation completes, all choices made during the installation are saved into a file named anaconda-ks.cfg, located in the /root/ directory on the installed system. For details about boot options and valid syntax, see Boot Options. reconfigure - Reconfigure a specific NVDIMM device into a given mode. --remove-service - Do not allow services through the firewall. --autovlan - Discover VLANs automatically. --utc - If present, the system assumes the hardware clock is set to UTC (Greenwich Mean) time. This option should not be used when deploying a system because it can disrupt package installation. The installation begins now, using the options specified in the Kickstart file. Modifies the default set of services that will run under the default systemd target. There are several types of network device naming standards used to identify network devices with persistent names such as em1 or wl3sp0. --passalgo= - Specify sha256 to set up the SHA-256 hashing algorithm or sha512 to set up the SHA-512 hashing algorithm. --membership-software= - Use this software when joining the realm. --noformat - Use an existing RAID device and do not format the RAID array. CentOS 7 is being installed automatically using the Kickstart file: Once the installation is complete, you should see the CentOS 7 GRUB menu as shown in the screenshot below. If you configured the network with static IP information, including a name server, you can access the network and resolve IP addresses in the %post section. If a password is specified, GRUB2 also asks for a user name. During a Kickstart installation, if no completion method is specified, the halt option is used as default. CentOS 7.8.2003 includes the ksvalidator command line utility which can be used to do this. If you use a multipath device as the boot drive, specify the device using its disk/by-id/dm-uuid-mpath-WWID name. If enabled, the initial-setup package must be installed. 2. efibootmgr --create --label CentOS --disk /dev/sda1 --loader "\EFI\centos\shim.efi" Where /dev/sda1 corresponds to /boot/efi. The other method is to download iso image from respective Linux flavours official site and enable UEFI option in BIOS Target Server. For details about the recommended scheme, see Recommended Partitioning Scheme (x86) for 64-bit AMD, Intel, and ARM systems, and Recommended Partitioning Scheme (ppc) for IBM Power Systems. On most PCI systems, the installation program automatically detects Ethernet and SCSI cards. Assigns a mount point to an existing block device, and optionally reformats it to a given format. Thu Sep 01, 2016 by admin in CentOS, Linux, RHEL, System Administration. --iscrypted - If this option is present, the password argument is assumed to already be encrypted. --enableldaptls - Use TLS (Transport Layer Security) lookups. If you are reusing existing ones using the --noformat option, their names will not be changed. These accounts are not transferred to the installed system. If you install a display manager among your package selection options, this package creates an X configuration, and the installed system defaults to I have created a ks.cfg file with help of online links (see below) but its not working for me. the keyword bootif, which uses the MAC address that pxelinux set in the BOOTIF variable. For example: --mode= - The mode specification. harddrive - Install from a CentOS installation tree or full installation ISO image on a local drive. I mounted the image ( CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810-KS-UEFI.iso ) and ks.cfg is in isolinux. Consider using the --uid and --gid options to set IDs of regular users and their default groups at range starting at 5000 instead of 1000. For example: --blockdevs= - Specifies a comma-separated list of block devices corresponding to the NVDIMM devices to be used. --wwpn - The device’s World Wide Port Name (WWPN). By default, the client software is chosen automatically. For other completion methods, see the poweroff, reboot, and shutdown commands. By default, the membership software is chosen automatically. --plaintext - If this option is present, the password argument is assumed to be in plain text. --lock - If this option is present, this account is locked by default. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. During a Kickstart installation, if no completion method is specified, this option is used as the default. In our previous post “Setup a PXE Boot Server in RHEL/CentOS 7”, we have configured a PXE boot server for network installations of new systems. When enabled, the packages necessary to provide this functionality will automatically be installed. Reboot after the installation is successfully completed (no arguments). This section must be placed towards the end of the Kickstart file, after the Kickstart commands described in Kickstart Commands and Options, and must start with %post and end with %end. Applicable only to newly created volume groups. Store these passphrases in separate files in /root, encrypted using the X.509 certificate specified with --escrowcert. This option is only meaningful if --escrowcert is specified. The content must be accessible using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP; local storage is currently not supported. Automatically creates partitions: a root (/) partition (1 GB or larger), a swap partition, and an appropriate /boot partition for the architecture. Many networks have a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service which automatically supplies connected systems with a domain name; to allow DHCP to assign the domain name, only specify a short host name. --ethtool= - Specifies additional low-level settings for the network device which will be passed to the ethtool program. use - Specify a NVDIMM device as a target for installation. A 1 MiB BIOS boot partition is necessary on BIOS-based AMD64 and Intel 64 systems using a GUID Partition Table (GPT); the boot loader will be installed into it. For example: --none (default) - Do not remove any partitions. xccdf-path - Path to the XCCDF file which should be used; given as a relative path in the archive. --label= - Specify a label for the Btrfs file system. The default option is dhcp; the dhcp and bootp options are treated the same. This section controls the behavior of the user interface of the installation system. --homedir= - The home directory for the user. --bindto=mac - Bind the device configuration (ifcfg) file on the installed system to the device MAC address (HWADDR) instead of the default binding to the interface name (DEVICE). This command configures the kdump kernel crash dumping mechanism. However, it is no longer being updated and it does not reflect changes in Kickstart syntax between CentOS 6 and 7. This name must be unique within the volume group. You must use this option together with the --encrypted option; by itself it has no effect. datastream-id - ID of the data stream referenced in the content-url value. For example: The OpenSCAP installer add-on is used to apply SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol) content - security policies - on the installed system. This is not possible with all types of realm. Use this option when you activate additional devices with the --activate= option, for example, a NIC on a separate subnet for an iSCSI target. --noformat - Specifies that the partition should not be formatted, for use with the --onpart command. --extlinux - Use the extlinux boot loader instead of GRUB2. Installation cannot continue after such an error has occured. This option is only meaningful if --encrypted is specified. You cannot use both of these options on the same logical volume. For example: Configures the X Window System. A sample kernel line in the configuration file will look similar to the following: Boot the installation from the network server. Additionally, the specified device is implicitly marked as to be used, so a subsequent nvdimm use command for the same device is redundant. --one-time-password= - Join using a one-time password. --passphrase= - Provides a default system-wide passphrase for all encrypted devices. For example: --teamconfig= - Double-quoted team device configuration which is a single-quoted JSON string with double quotes escaped by the \ character. Example Kickstart file for installing and starting the RNG daemon,, Booting the Installation on 64-bit AMD, Intel, and ARM systems, Booting the Installation on IBM Power Systems,, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Virtualization Deployment and Administration Guide, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Guide, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Storage Administration Guide, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Kernel Crash Dump Guide, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Logical Volume Manager Administration, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Networking Guide, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System Administrator’s Guide,,, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 SELinux User’s and Administrator’s Guide, the Users and Groups chapter of the System Administrator’s Guide, Installing the Minimum Amount of Packages Required, "Behavior of systemctl in a chroot Environment" section, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Anaconda Customization Guide. To look up groups, the Hesiod library looks up jim.groupLHSRHS instead. This action uses the following format: --namespace= - Specifies the device by namespace. You can also use auto for automatic configuration, or dhcp for DHCPv6-only configuration (no router advertisements). This gives you a chance to repair the system in case of any problems. Used only if content-type is datastream. Do not include spaces in the list of services. If you do not specify a passphrase, Anaconda uses the default, system-wide passphrase set with the autopart --passphrase command, or stops the installation and prompts you to provide a passphrase if no default is set. If you use this option, do not specify a partition. I changed this to lang en_US.UTF-8 and the installation completes normally. Unlike most other commands, this add-on does not accept regular options, but uses key-value pairs in the body of the %addon definition instead. Minimal install provides only the packages which are essential for running CentOS 7.8.2003. Supported file systems are ext2, ext3, ext4, vfat, and xfs. The available values are ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, and vfat. This only applies to packages explicitly specified in the %packages section. Step:4 Mount CentOS 7.x ISO file and copy its contents to local ftp server. Home Linux distributions Install PXE Server On CentOS 7. Sample OpenSCAP Add-on Definition Using SCAP Security Guide, Example 3. For example: Any scripting language available on the system can be used; in most cases, these are /usr/bin/sh, /usr/bin/bash, and /usr/bin/python. For example: You can also specify auto instead of a numeric value. Store these passphrases in separate files in /root, encrypted using the X.509 certificate specified with --escrowcert. require multiple ports to be open or other special configuration in order for the service to work. The keys are stored as a separate file for each encrypted volume. You can use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard in package names. Run the beneath commands to mount iso file and then copy its contents in ftp server’s directory ‘/var/ftp/pub’ (optional). Available types of encryption are listed in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Guide, but CentOS strongly recommends using either aes-xts-plain64 or aes-cbc-essiv:sha256. Allows you to specify commands that you would like to run outside of the chroot environment. The partition is used for LVM (see logvol). Instead, use meaningful names such as root or swap. You can prevent clearpart from wiping storage you want to preserve by using the --drives= option and specifying only the drives you want to clear, by attaching network storage later (for example, in the %post section of the Kickstart file), or by blacklisting the kernel modules used to access network storage. --name= - Provides the name of the group. Valid options are anything recognized by the firewall-offline-cmd program in the firewalld package. --wepkey= - The WEP encryption key for wireless networks. This option will erase all disks which can be reached by the installer, including any attached network storage. To ignore a multipath device that does not use logical volume management (LVM), use the format disk/by-id/dm-uuid-mpath-WWID, where WWID is the world-wide identifier for the device.

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