Add 2×12-15 of some rear delt isolation exercise to the end of one or both upper body workouts. Is it okay to switch dumbbell curls with barbell curls because it gets repetitive doing dumbbell workouts back to back. since a few of your articles have 200+ comments. It is good to mix the exercises up in your biceps routine so keep the EZ curls in. If you’re still a beginner and progressing well, stick with the beginner routine in the deficit. I introduced the straight bar and plenty of close grip chin ups to improve bicep strength and growth. The bodyweight of men entering ez bar curl lifts on Strength Level is on average heavier than those entering barbell curl … Will this not lead to muscle imbalances? It feels like it was built to take the stress off of the wrists and elbows during the curling motion. Tendonitis in my shoulder has severely limited my weight lifting and I am still trying to figure out what I can do and what I cannot do. I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion on this one. Though it tends to take an injury to really make a person understand it. FREE Shipping. Is there any difference / advantages in using the barbell vs Ez Bar for curling? That slight angle of the EZ curl bar will put your wrists, forearms and elbows in a. They’re like $5. Building muscle (looks) and strength (performance), in that order. If that's not enough, th… what about the breathing in romanian deadlift as asked by Zan in upper comments. Instead, stick with the EZ curl bar and/or various dumbbell curls (in terms of injury prevention, dumbbells are probably the best option of all). With the EZ curl bar, you’re in more of a semi-supinated position between supinated (palms up) and neutral (palms facing each other) which likely brings the brachioradialis into the movement a tiny bit more (and thus the biceps a tiny bit less). Should I just do dumbbell curls or is it vital to do curls with bars half the time like it’s in the intermediate routine? If you’re a younger lifter/beginner you get away with doing straight bar arm work all the time, but when you get older (aka 25+) sooner or later you’ll experience all the little pains and injuries you used to think you’d never experience – and even laugh about. Due to its position under the biceps, it literally pushes the biceps up as it gets bigger, making the biceps appear taller. Rear delt work is actually included in some of my programs. However, the EZ bar does not allow you to develop your biceps and triceps beyond a … Even today i work out for 2-3 days in week with Squat, Dead lifts, Bench press and the like. Mostly just a matter of avoiding what hurts, solving underlying problems that may be causing the pain (if possible), sticking with what doesn’t hurt, using an intelligently designed overall program, deloading regularly, etc. It trains the muscles directly 2x a week, while your beginner routine directly trains the muscles 1.5x a week. Should i train small muscle groups in the 5-8 reps scheme? The American Barbell EZ Curl Bar would definitely be my second choice for a high-end curl bar. The EZ bar curl is slightly preferred over the barbell curl because it causes more muscle activation in the biceps. And at some point during those straight bar years, I developed an injury (that darn medial epicondylitis I mentioned before). Hi Jay, I bought your book and im loving it so far, and a question popped up. EZ Curl Bar vs Straight Barbell: Straight bar weighs more and the weight is further out to the sides which forces you to work on balance more than the ez bar. Just not worth it. I especially appreciate the detail you went into on the significance of the benefits versus risks. Key Features: Spin: With 1 needle bearing and 1 bushing per sleeve, these bars are the perfect combination of spin and stability. Glad to hear it! Excellent article. XMark IRONHORSE Olympic Bar Super EZ Curl Bar Olympic Curl Weight Barbell, Horseshoe Curl, Compatible with 2" Olympic Weights or 2" Bumper Plates, Great for Bicep and Tricep Muscle Isolation. This is one of the many things that suck about being injured and why you should do everything you can to make sure it doesn’t happen. Good from and proper programming will be the key to minimizing injuries. I do not suffer from any injuries or pain. Thanks, GG. 1.Is direct biceps training really necessary? On going through the feed back section I am fortunate enough to be in this state. Great learning tool here. I’ve heard people say the straight bar hits your biceps a lot better but the EZ curl bar is safer for your wrists and elbows. How do you feel about people who say 3x a week is more (such as jason blaha, dont know if you know who that is) optimal due to more muscle protein synthesis? Are you a beginner? Conventional? That’s just one of them. Necessary for growth? For heavy weights (eg 300 punds) the grip tend to give up by sixth or seventh rep even with straps. 2-day, 3-day, 4-day, and 5-day home workouts. I used the straight bar for years until the EZ Curl bar came out. An ez-curl bar or cambered bar is such that when gripping it your wrists will have a natural bend and angle when doing a curl. Well what about muscle protein synthesis? Either move the comment box above the comments, or probably the even better, as well as simpler solution, add just a button above the first comment (right below the article), with an anchor to the comment box below. Most gyms carry a few different types of barbells, with the most common type being a straight bar. I don’t include it in all of them by default because I tend to view it more as accessory prehab/rehab work rather than an actual part of the workout itself. I just increased little weight to the bar and got into this mess! I’m a “been there done that” with the straight bar, and totally agree. I love the results I’ve gotten from only doing close grip chin ups (while leaning back) and parrarell bar dips (while leaning forward), but my arms could be bigger. OPENING ARGUMENT DEFENSE Close-grip barbell curls target the long (outer) head of the biceps, which makes up the biceps peak. Hi Jay, thanks for the info. Curl bars and straight bars are both effective tools for weight lifting activities. I just recently started going to gym and im doing PPL. Also I have been cycling for my legs and doing front and back extensions which seems to have relieved the back pain. It looks similar to a straight bar, but it has two “V” shaped bends in the middle of it for hand placement. However, as a beginner, I question how recovery time, performance, etc. It has me do the hammer curls and dumbbell curls back to back 4x8-12. I am 52 years old and working out for past 3 decades. The curl bar is ideal just because of its easy grip and holding capability. Did you take time completely off? Now granted, it’s impossible to say that straight bar curls were the one and only cause of this injury. With all else being equal, and assuming the goal is to build muscle, I think most people will do best on a 3 or 4 day program. There’s no doubt about it, the Rogue EZ Curl Bar is a very nice curl bar. Well, both EZ Curl Bars are designed to reduce stress on the forearm and wrist and provide a more comfortable grip while focusing on different bicep and tricep areas (but they can also be used on other body areas). How do you feel about rear delt training man? will be affected by the deficit. I still love training but im finding it hard to keep pushing myself to the max as I get alot of joint pain. They both cause sharp pain both during the lift and after when I release the grip. Now 80% of pain was gone in my outer wrist. They could technically be done in any rep range, though I personally would stick with 8-15 for most isolation exercises (often 10-15). They might even potentially end up with better overall results in general, since more than just biceps training could be affected. Hi Jay Please write an article about Rows, it would definitely Help us! No. There’s no doubt about it, the Rogue EZ Curl Bar is a very nice curl bar. Do the basic 3 and do others to compliment them. Barbell moves form the foundation of many muscle-building routines, strength workouts or just general fitness routines. Likewise, a well-developed brachialis increases the overall circumference of the upper arm. Background: Dumbbell curl (DC) and barbell curl in its two variants, straight (BC) or undulated bar (EZ) are typical exercises to train the elbow flexors. And try to find a good sports injury guy if you can rather than just a general PT. But I wanna ask you what your thoughts are on that. How would i incorporate rear delt training into “The Muscle Building Workout Routine”? Barbell bicep curls are the most effective bicep exercise that you can do. Outstanding article! When it comes to lower body, I’m quite satisfied with only doing High Bar Full Back Squats and Barbell Glute Bridges. In which case it’s more likely that the straight bar group would have had to make some “oh-no-I-have-an-injury” style changes to their workout over this period of time (like reducing the amount of weight being lifted, completely avoiding affected exercises like curls, rows, pull-ups/pull-downs in the short term or long term, taking time off to let things heal, etc.). 1) First off thank you for your articles..they are great…I have several doubts I am a beginner…I have some amount of belly fat and lower chest fat..for 2 months I have been doing weight training and there has been improvement with my upper chest but I can’t seen to get rid of the lower chest fat(at same proportion to my upper pecs)…I do flat bench press 4 sets of 8-10 reps, decline/incline bench 3 sets 10 reps, followed by chest flyes and presses each 3 sets of 10 reps,,.pls suggest what can I do about it…should I continue with the above or shud I make amends to it..pls help, 2)about my belly fat issue..yes it has reduced considerably but I want to completely reduce it…but the way I train is for gaining mass i.e in the 8-12 rep for muscle building I need to have more food, but for fat reduction I need calorie deficit..pls help..shud I stop weight training and focus on cardio and reduce my weight and become slim and then build muscle or do I continue both cardio and weight training( 20 min of cardio 3x a week)..pls help. The first and most important difference between an EZ bar and a straight bar that you will notice when you look at the two devices side by side is that they are shaped and sized differently. Need input. Im a college student who doesnt have access to a gym when i go home for summer, so im am not working out for roughly 3.5 months. Basic exercises are the best. There still needs to be some form of progression, though. The differences in shape, size and gripping method bring about slight differences interms of the muscle groups trained:-. Introducing the long-awaited EZ Curl Bar! My forearms are either not strong enough or I’m not gripping tight enough is what they tell me. If i was an intermediate before, should i do the beginner routine to catch up or keep doing the intermediate routine once school starts again? The BB curls and EZ bar curls (as shown in the video) hit the biceps in different ways. No real right or wrong answer. When you deadlift, should you make reps quickly one after another, or should you, take a breath after each, reset your form, your grip… take a few seconds (1-3) before next rep. For me it’s EZ bars and ropes all the way. Another study, which was conducted by the American Council on Exercise, says something else. Thank you. I strictly follow your routine without adding or taking out anything. Dumbbells don’t hurt, neither do pull ups or pull downs with under hand grips. Can split squats be replaced with lunges? The best EZ curl bars are also made of a cylindrical rod with weights attached to the end, but the rod itself is not straight–it has several angled parts used for gripping the bar. Your website is actually one of the most honest and informative I’ve come across. You rock! Isn’t that the most important factor for growth, moreso than volume? The BB curls and EZ bar curls (as shown in the video) hit the biceps in different ways. All the time and effort you put in is much appreciated, many thanks, Jay. After all the rows and pull-ups, when I come to do a curl, my biceps is so pumped that I think that I am wasting my time, I had no strength left, even when using a light weight on curls. The average barbell curl entered by men on Strength Level is less heavy than the average ez bar curl. I got a non-fitness related suggestion. If so, do the beginner routine. This is the reason that beginners like to choose an EZ bar for the workout. How many reps, sets and how often? It feels like it was built to take the stress off of the wrists and elbows during the curling motion. I just recently started going to gym and im doing PPL. While many bodybuilders prefer straight bars because straight bar exercises bring about more spectacular results over a shorter period of time, EZ curl bars are said to be safer to use because the wrists and the elbow are in a more natural position while lifting and lowering these angled bars; they are, therefore, more recommended for newcomers to weight training. So we've received quite a few questions regarding the difference between Ez bar curls and straight bar curls, the risks, what's more beneficial, etc. Thank you so much for such a great posting. Rep SS Curl Bar vs Rogue EZ Curl Bar. The EZ curl bar is often found on a preacher bench or racked in a barbell stand. If you have a question or comment about this article, or just want to give me your feedback on it, feel free to contact me directly by using the contact form here. There are many different exercises you can include into your training regimen to work on your biceps and triceps. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge! Taking ALL of the factors into account, full body tends to be sub-optimal for people past the beginner stage training primarily for hypertrophy. Hey, what did you do once you developed your injury? Because a study suggested that activation in the biceps muscles during the dumbbell curl is less compared to the barbell and EZ bar curls. If you had to pick a side, would you say your own beginner routine is more for Team Looks or Team Performance? I’ve thoroughly read your article on how to lose fat while maintaining muscle, so I’m privy to how to proceed in general. Which do you recommend and why? There are some incline varieties of these curls, including the inclined hammer curl, that are much more challenging and give you a better biceps workout. Awesome content (like this article). That’s probably because it was and anyone serious about muscle-building will definitely take comfort into consideration as their first option when choosing an exercise. Please, can you write an article about how to train the forearms? I’ve also been playing around with single arm cable curls a bit over the last couple of years. You say that for the intermediate trainee, twice a week is optimal for each bodypart. Both EZ curl bars and straight bars are great pieces of equipment that work your biceps, your triceps and your shoulders very efficiently, so the best way to make the most of your upper body workout is probably to alternate the two devices to train your biceps very hard using a straight bar and to work your biceps and the surrounding muscles with an easier grip on an EZ curl bar. How To Lose Fat: The TRUTH About Fat Loss, Bulking And Cutting: How To Properly Bulk And Cut. Introducing the long-awaited EZ Curl Bar! I’m pretty knowledgeable about a handful of forearm injuries, but it’s impossible for me to even guess until you’ve been examined by a doctor and had your injury properly diagnosed. Found about your site today. It’s got a great feel to it, a good weight, and whatever in the world an e-coat is ages much, much better than an oxide or black zinc finish does (the Rogue Curl Bar always seems to look pretty damn new.) Gender ♂ Male ♀ Female. Curled Barbell vs. Straight Barbell. is it fine to replace the direct biceps and triceps training by adding one additional set in the each of primary and secondary compound movements with significantly lesser weight (may be 70-80 % of the max weight used on a given day) in your 4 day upper and lower body split. 2. Barbell Curl Variations Below are three barbell curl variations that can be done to improve strength, size, and overall muscle growth. I think I may have very briefly had the comment box above the comments at some point, but I put it back at the bottom to prevent people from asking questions that someone already asked in the comments.

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