The first three are on the walls to Sora's left as he proceeds, and the last is behind him, on the ground. Kingdom Hearts HD Remix 1.5 Remix is a collection that includes the original Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories, with trophy support for both. Ranged magic attacks are perhaps the safest way to target Maleficent, but a judicious melee attack will get the battle over quicker, especially with Sora's new combo attacks like Ars Arcanum in the mix. You just push the next switch every time you reveal one. Avoid that by sticking to the sides of the circular area. Go up that, and examine the last gem on the right-hand wall, after Beast takes care of the tough Heartless guarding it. As soon as you get to the lift stop from the castle entrance, there's a crystal to the right that can either go to lower area or upper area. Do that, and a pink Emblem Piece drops into a fountain down on the floor. Your victory will reward you the long awaited White Trinity. When you reach the top of the shifting platforms a cutscene will occur, after which you will have the Beast but no Keyblade. Take it to the lower area to reach the waterway with two platforms. After releasing the fourth gem, proceed to the next air bubble through the passage that opens. You will also find these books strewn throughout the Library or on the wrong shelf. Return to the Library, exit to the Lift Stop opposite the save point, and take the lift to the new destination. Then smash the two pots next that are adjacent to the statue. 8." 4. Inside is some good treasure and Blue Trinity which is useless to you now, so use magic and Beast to grab the treasure if you want then continue down the hall of the Waterway. Found the lift stop area! And the only really compelling stuff is in Hollow Bastion. You'll soon find yourself in Traverse Town. This is one of the most iconic locations in the entire series of Kingdom Hearts and is one of the non-Disney location. The story is pretty much a completely subjective thing here, but KH1's story was just way too bare bones for me. Up there was a chest, a few heartless, and another crystal switch. With Solution Essays, you can get high-quality essays at a lower price. Keep that HP up and slam away at Riku, preferably from behind. There, examine the iron bars by the save point. You have to find the socket pieces (colored emblems) and also solve the library puzzles to … The platform is really your first priority. Riku is even faster now that Ansem is possessing him and will do more damage as well thanks to the Dark Keyblade. Zap that with Thunder magic to drop a platform that leads to the center of this room (although you can also just Glide there). Back in the Entrance Hall, go through the Heartless door to the Lift Stop. Push it over to that empty square, and a chest appears down on the first floor with one last Emblem Piece. It will also stop her from being able to hit you with her most damaging spells. She also summons Defender type Heartless to help her, that will give you lots of MP and HP back if you need it. As you enter, you'll notice there are two different sections: one on level 1A and the other on level 1B. She also summons Heartless to aid her, so use those to restore MP. Target it and use Gravira to lower the platform. Follow the balcony around to the left and go through the passageway to the Castle Gates. The “Headless Hessian” still chases timid “Ichabods” through “Sleepy Hollow.” “Rip Van Winkle,” the happy-go-lucky fellow, still stalks the Catskills, gun in hand. Little punk just won't stay down. Use the save point back in the Library if you need to re-order your party, and activate that point. The section on level 1B can only be reached from the Library, and from there the Lift Stop on level 1B. What part of Hollow Bastion have you managed to get up to? Just to the left, there's a small tombstone with a lighting emblem on it. You end up back in the Lift Shop, however, just the highest level of it. Where to Buy RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Gaming PCs (Updated), CES 2021 Highlights: The Biggest Announcements From The Show, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Examine the blue crystal there to summon another lift. After that, use the floating platforms to make it up to the second level again. That's Beast's cue to smash through and into the next area. Meanwhile, Riku meets something...less than pleasant. Now, it's time to return to Traverse Town and prepare for more battles. Good fencing skills can make it much easier, if you're deft with Sora's sword abilities like Guard and Counterattack. This leads to another part of the Lift Stop area, and around there through to the entrance to the Grand Hall. Partway there, Riku confronts the Beast, and in turn Sora confronts Riku...with unpleasant results. Activate that to lower one-half of a large block bridge. Whack at that to begin with until she falls down into a more convenient position, or achieve the same effect by casting Gravity magic on it. This is a very important strategy for Riku because it helps and gets you those precious Tech Points. Warp to the Castle Chapel, and head through the Lift Stop to get to the Grand Hall. Hollow Bastion: The Library and Lift Stops. Now save your game and head through the portal to fight another Boss. During the second trip to the world, the way to the castle is unlocked and leads to the Postern, the site of a save point and the base entrance to the bastion itself. Hollow Bastion: Lift Stop: Cast Gravity on the floating treasure chest. You will also find pillars with movable shelves and treasures inside. Head back and make the switch take you lower, use the other switch and head through to the Waterway. The death light of “Jack Welsh” may be seen on a summer’s [3] night off the coast of Pond Cove. There are no heartless and some really good treasure including a set of dalmatians so make sure you nab those. Inside you will find Bookshelves with book collections having volumes missing. Talk to the Princesses when you get to them and save your game. After battling the waves of Heartless up here on the tower, activate the orange crystal to lower the other half of the bridge, or perhaps it would be better to call it a staircase. You'll notice the gate is shut, but with your new found Glide ability, sail your way around the gate and take the lift down, also make sure you activate the orange lift control as well. That's "Theon No. Grab them and replace them to unlock treasure and the way forward through Hollow Bastion. Head back out to the High Tower area through the Castle Chapel, from whence you came, and go for a long fall down to the Castle Gates. Traverse Town - Mystical House, Yellow Trinity Mark. 6." 3. Switch the Orange Lift and then call the blue one down to take up to the top level. 94,95,96: After opening the door with the Emblem Pieces, go into the Lift Stop. If you've got any news, clues or rumors to share from around the Bay, or the world, feel free to send them to or use the envelope in the masthead. Take the path up and to the right and activate the blue crystal on the left, taking the platform up. The crystal to the left toggles which way the lift will go. Stick and move, landing combo attacks when Riku is at rest. After the princess/Riku scene, you end up at a door with a chest up on ledge - it has power up. In this, and a couple of other areas, you may see chests high out of reach. Examine the lit star to be taken up and out. Riku is fast and fast at attacking, but all his attacks can be parried. There's an advantage to be found around this arena, though -- smash the pots about the edge to reveal HP power-ups and Hi-Potions. After the cutscene, enter the door to the Lift Stop. When the red pole shows up in the middle of the platform, examine it. When he holds his sword out in front like he's blocking only attack if you have counterattack otherwise he will pound you. His quickness and dodging ability can grow very frustrating, but with the Keyblade back, Sora has the offensive power to take him down. Finally, up on the second floor, there's a tusked statue standing against the outer wall with an empty square on the floor just to its left. Now head back to the Entrance Hall and work your way all the way back to the top of the castle. Deep Jungle - Complete the Shadow Cavern course of Jungle Slider. Jump on his back and bash his horn. Try and get on Dragons back and avoid attacking her while she is breathing fire or preparing the fire. Use the Lift to get on the large platform and prepare to fight. Next up are the two vases, on either side of a statue of a misshapen face. Go through the hole and hop in the air bubble. Seriously, just jump off a ledge when you see one, and eventually you'll get there. Hollow Bastion: The Library and Lift Stops After the princess/Riku scene, you end up at a door with a chest up on ledge - it has power up. First on the list is the Hercules Cup which has opened in the Coliseum. 1.1. Behemoth is very easy don't be intimidated by his size. Examine it to swap in the Theon volume, opening yet another hidden spot. She is tough. ... go through the Heartless door to the Lift Stop. Just past the desk, on the left wall, there's a shelf where a set of brown books is interrupted by a green one, "Mava No. Run across the room, because you can't do damage to Heartless and take the bubble on the right for a save point and treasure. Barely anything happens in between Traverse Town and Hollow Bastion. In this case, it's a button on the wall. Once you get all four, just go and put them into the door to continue onward to the Lift Stop. After the library puzzle, head through the door to the Lift Stop area. And once again prepare for a Boss Fight, and tough one at that. Only three more to go! You will receive the Keyblade and Donald and Goofy back, and it's time to finally time to beat the crap out of Riku. Beat it down fast and as hard as you can, this will cause her to drop and then she is vulnerable. The platform then lets the party off in front of a Blue Trinity and a chest. Turn around and enter the nearby doorway to the Lift Stop. 5." We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Baaaad juju up in here. The chest contains a TORNADO-G. Now use the blue crystal to ride to a higher platform. Use Gravira on the next floating platform for an ULTIMA-G. Jump in the one that's near and to the right -- it takes Sora underwater to the Waterway. ((Happy 10th Anniversary Kingdom Hearts! You might want to heal and save before continuing out the door on the second floor. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Hallow Bastion Hidden Chest Lift Stop Upon entering the Bastion, jump and glide across the platforms to make it to the castle in the distance. Deflection is a big part of this fight. First start lighting all the candles around. Although End of the World is the last world, the Heartless are not very numerous as compared to Hollow Bastion, but they are very powerful. Grand Hall. 97 - 98 - 99: Hollow Bastion: High Tower: Cast Gravity on the floating treasure chest in the corner. This is mainly a physical battle, since Riku is immune to most magics. Now ener the Castle Chapel and prepare for a boss fight. His brute strength will be very useful in the coming battle. Once you've unlocked the door from pushing the Red Button, head inside. Head into the lift stop and go up and enter the Great Crest, fight through the Heartless and flip the orange lift. In front of a bull's-head bust on the inner edge of the balcony, there's a Red Trinity point. Use Gravity on it to bring it down and claim a Tornado-G. In Hollow (empty) Bastion, the Grand Hall is beyond the Castle Chapel, through the passage behind the save point. To the left of the glowing crystal is a platform floating above Sora's head. The first group of enemies should spawn a Stealth Soldier in the second wave, alongside 2 Large Bodies. Beyond those doors lies quite the showdown... Time to give the little trash-talker what-fer. Go to the right, down the short steps to the iron gate, and through there to the next platform. Smashing open the statue drops a green Emblem Piece down to the floor. Get high-quality papers at affordable prices. This fight is pretty generic honestly. In the Final Mix they powered it up even more and it's super over powered so you're probably gonna want to use it. Back at the Castle Gates, the large double doors are unlocked now, so go through those. Head through the other doorway to the High Tower area again. It is the last new location to open in the game, upon completing Hollow Bastion. Ansem is a pretty underused villain, too. then enter the Lift Stop again to get to the High Tower. I love this franchise and I always will. Different ones require a different number of turns, so just keep spinning until you get the treasure. Again fight through the Heartless and flip the orange lift. To the left of the giant keyhole is a chest on … Hollow Bastion: Eingangsportal. Use Gravira and open it to receive a Ramuh Belt. Follow the balcony around to the left and go through the passageway to the Castle Gates. From there, cross the hall into the entrance to the Castle Chapel. Walkthrough for Kingdom Hearts by 501st.alpha1 ===== 1.Table of Contents ===== 1.Table of Contents 2.Version History 3.Notes 4.The Walkthrough 4a.Awakening 4b.Destiny Islands 4c.Traverse Town 4d.Olympus Coliseum 4e.Deep Jungle 4f.Traverse Town II 4g.Wonderland 4h.Traverse Town III 4i.Agrabah 4j.Monstro 4k.Halloween Town 4l.Atlantica 4m.Neverland 4n.Traverse Town IV 4o.Hollow Bastion … Access to the castle is very limited in Kingdom Hearts II. Use Aero for defense here, and in fact in just about every other boss battle subsequent, and if you're going to swing from the front, stick to an aerial attack and glide away frequently to use recovery items and magic. No good can come of this. Switch the Orange Lift and then call the blue one down to take up to the top level. The full emblem unlocks the door at the lower level of the Entrance Hall (Hollow Bastion), giving access to the Lift Stop in Kingdom Hearts or the Great Crest in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. This one, for example, contains Dalmatians. Now head to the Library and talk to Aerith 3 times to get Curaga and then you can head to the Final World or go sidequesting. Before crossing over, though, light all the candles in the sconces on the wall (they're flanking the nasty-looking mouths) to reveal a blue Emblem Piece. Take the bubble through and knock the wall down to enter the dungeon. Hit the orange crystal to activate the large platform there, which slowly transports the party to a battle with Heartless wizards. Firstly there is Maleficent herself and secondly there is her platform of magic that she walks on. Now open it to get an Orichalcum. KH 1.5. Strike Raid while riding on her back can do a lot of damage, though be careful not to waste Magic since you're going to want Aero and Cure consistently. Be careful when attacking the platform, though, since she occasionally sweeps its edge with a lightning blast. After they're taken down, examine the crystal that appears in the middle of the ring. The best trick is to get behind her, climb up in back, and whack her in the head with ranged attacks like spells and Strike Raid -- it's a little like what you might have tried to do with Cerberus early in the game. This again is a pretty hard fight, but if you're an experienced player it can be one of the most fun because you get to use some serious sword skills. Just be patient, and take shots when he's open. Winning earns the Fireglow summon gem, containing Mushu. After a hard-won victory, Sora learns the Ragnarok special combo. ... chests with 2 Dispel-Gs, Megalixir and Blizzaga Ring along the way.

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