This led to an exclusively professional, but friendly working relationship between the two women and Samantha subsequently ascended positions upon the establishment of L-Corp.[7][9] Samantha and Lena wouldn't regard each other as legitimate friends until later on. Later, Samantha attended Ruby's autumn recital at Davis Middle School. Sharing a meaningful glance with her adoptive mother, Sam grabbed the beacon, instantly deducing the crystal was the key she had been looking for. Samantha promised satisfactory results for her boss and the two hugged. 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However, Lena refused and bluntly stated that Sam should remember on some level how it felt to attack Morgan Edge, Supergirl, and the One-Seven Gang due to the sheer brutality of those confrontations, bringing up televised coverages of the attacks. The next morning on Christmas Day, Ruby came downstairs looking for her mother, happily announcing that it was Christmas. Samantha accompanied Luke and the paramedics to the Luthor Family Children Hospital, where she met with the boy's mother. In spite of Sam's objections, the hologram promised that she would eventually forget about Ruby and all of her other "mortal trappings", as it was time for her to fulfill her true purpose as Reign. However, it is unknown if Sam has permanently lost her powers or if they are simply suppressed. Upset, Sam started to leave, but after a moment's hesitation, ended up recounting to her adoptive mother what happened at Lena's press conference. [4] The infant was sent along with two other neonate Worldkillers, who would awaken and join her in her quest once she was ready.[5]. Sam also met Kara Danvers, unknowingly (and very ironically) meeting Supergirl herself in her civilian persona at her workplace where the two of them shared the same boss; Lena had hired Sam to be the acting CEO of L-Corp while the former adjusted to her new business in an editorial. You can help by adding to it. It was later confirmed that Fluffy was given to Samantha on January 11, 1942 when she was 7 years old. After witnessing Ruby helping with her accommodations, Lena agreed to stay for one night, much to Sam's satisfaction. Sam assured Ruby that she will always be the most important one to her, no matter what. Lena was worried her friend looked slightly pale, but Sam insisted she was just worn out from her new corporate responsibilities. Samantha took the beacon she found from the pod and followed its light signal out into the middle of the desert. Sam initially declined but after being pressed a little more by both Lena and Kara, she agreed to attend and bring drinks. Currently, Sam doesn't has any superpowers at all since after Reign's death, her DNA became human. Sam and Ruby reflect on their best Christmas. A holographic projection emerged and welcomed her. As they entered and began looking around, Kara remarked that Eliza, her adoptive mother, used to bring her somewhere similar every Tuesday and Thursday. Trying to calm down and catch her breath, Sam apologized for scaring her daughter. Sam began managing L-Corp Northeast and has made two acquisitions that were already turning a profit at the time of Lena's visit. Samantha watches footage of herself as Reign. As soon as Lena left, Sam heard a menacing voice whispering Kryptonese before her eyes flashed red and Reign emerged. Before Lena, the two Kryptonians (each completely ignorant of the other's true alien nature) shook hands in welcoming gesture, completely unaware that this friendship forged between the three of them at that point would be one fraught with many extraordinary and unexpected challenges worth remembering, from within as well as beyond. Lena urges Samantha to take it easy for some time. But why?!" Samantha "Sam" Arias (born 1979) is a former Kryptonian Worldkiller known as Reign, who was sent to Earth prior to Krypton's destruction. Beginning to doubt this endeavor, Samantha nevertheless continued tracking the beacon's signal and eventually arrived in the middle of a clearing leading to a vast and eroding desert. [23], On Earth-Prime, L-Corp does not exist;[24] thus, Samantha went to Metropolis to work at Luthor Corp. Lena comforted Sam, saying she knew what was wrong and promised to "make [her] better". [2][3], On the day of Krypton's destruction in 1979, the Children of Juru placed the baby girl in a Kryptonian escape pod and sent her to Earth, preaching that she would grow strong there and then reign over the planet. [16], The Worldkillers have gone to Fortress of Sanctuary. She is a central character to the plot of Tomb Raider and the Tomb Raider Dark Horse Comics. Samantha once again found herself meeting Reign in the Dark Valley. The next morning, Samantha prepared to go on a road trip to follow up on the mystery of her past. She attempted to hide from Reign this time but was quickly cornered. Sam gently scolded Ruby for her recklessness, reiterating that she didn't have superpowers, since she couldn't have just swept her daughter away from the danger. A fellow mother approached Sam and asked which child was hers. Alex reported that all the test results came back clear and Sam was "healthy as an Olympic athlete", much to everyone's relief. Images. At the ice rink, Samantha and Ruby happily raced around and down their path. Familiar with the tale of the destroyed planet from what was commonly known concerning both Superman and Supergirl's extraterrestrial origins, Sam was shocked to discover that she indeed had powers and was a Kryptonian like Supergirl. She has a high intellect, and has enough business knowledge to run L-Corp flawlessly. Additionally, she rapidly took over and went immediately after Morgan Edge upon Sam learning that Edge staged an assault against Lena from days prior, hinting a protective (if not fiercely territorial) side of herself even as Reign. Increasingly grasping the gravity of the incident, Sam tearfully revealed how she didn't feel a bullet hitting her. Hurt and resentful over Patricia's abandonment, she resolved to raise the baby on her own. Over tea, Patricia tried to make conversation with her adoptive daughter, but they ended up having an argument. At CatCo, Samantha came clean to Kara and Lena about her blackouts and apologized for not telling them sooner, as she is used to taking care of herself. Sam realized it was 11:00 am and she had slept in. She also perceives that humanity has ruined their world and they must all be judged by her without exception. Sam then asked for any information on her birth mother, but Patricia dodged the question. The revival will premiere in 2021. According to Reign herself, Sam's character is stronger than her world killer persona initially dismissed - expressed by Sam taking cumulatively longer periods of control over herself and, in turn, increasingly suppressing Reign to keep her from emerging for just as long in the process, causing her to occasionally miss out or be late on summons sent out to her by the hologram from her Fortress - hinting a substantial sense of individuality on the part of Sam. [13], Afterwards, Samantha made her excuses to Lena and L-Corp for the botched trip, claiming her adoptive mother was at the hospital.[6]. Sam, responding to Clayton's remark about how Baird won't stop talking Private Samantha "Sam" Byrne,45 also called "duchashka" or "lovely duchess" by the Gorasni, was a female Gear soldier that fought in Delta-One during the Stranded Insurgency and the Lambent Pandemic. Later that afternoon, Samantha met Lena and Kara at L-Corp, explaining her late arrival due to attending Ruby's soccer game and taking her team for victory ice cream afterwards. for analysis, impressing Sam in turn. Kara tells Lena and Samantha she's grateful for their friendship. Suggesting that whatever afflicted the children might be indoors, Sam tried entering a community pool but found the door was locked. Samantha unleashing her powers against an. After taking some time to gather her bearings, Samantha underwent another electric shock. After Purity and Pestilence awoke, Reign noted that her human self Samantha was much stronger than she thought as they fought for control. Alex was impressed with Sam's ability to raise a daughter on her own, to which Sam admitted that it wasn't a graceful process, something Alex and Maggie would experience when they have kids. [18] Sam was taken to the D.E.O. Patricia revealed that she found Sam, helpless and scared, as a baby in the pod, but didn't know who left her in it or why. Sam received a delivery pizza and went to Ruby's room to get her for dinner, only to find her daughter gone. The Dark Kryptonian ominously warned Samantha, "they are coming for us". As this occurred, Samantha blacked out and found herself in a sunny meadow, which quickly transformed into a dark forest. Later that night, Samantha arrived at CatCo Worldwide Media to meet with Lena, thanking her boss once more for understanding her domestic plight. Sam explained that it was nothing more than an adrenaline rush caused by seeing her child in danger, which happened to a lot of mothers. When she looked in the bathroom mirror, Sam suddenly found herself covered in strange symbols, much to her horror. After defeating Reign, Samantha and Ruby have moved to Metropolis, where Samantha is the CEO of the city's L-Corp division. That night, Samantha returned home from work to find Lena passed out on the couch and Kara still there, having arrived earlier to check up on Lena. Unaware of her alien heritage and oblivious to her destiny, Samantha believed she was a normal, adopted human. Sam snapped out of it and fell into a chair, horrified at having triggered a blackout. A worried Sam drove to the city block and found her daughter in the midst of an attack by Psi, with Ruby deliberately walking into the havoc. [6] The girl was discovered by Patricia Arias, who took the baby in and raised her as her own daughter, named Samantha Arias. As they walked past the pool, Sam remarked how Ruby, like nearly every child, loves swimming. [20], Sometime after defeating the Worldkillers, Samantha and Ruby left National City and moved to Metropolis, where they were later visited by Lena. She is currently in Australia after recovering from being shot by Murdoc. Inside, Samantha found a console panel and, following a hunch, placed her beacon inside, causing it to activate. She then informed Lena that the JQB merger should be finalized soon and handed her boss the papers to sign. The hologram stated she was more than that; Sam is a genetically-engineered being designed on Krypton to "execute justice". [21], During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Samantha as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[22] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe. Sam then sent Ruby to a friend's house for dinner as she prepared to investigate the situation. She woke up with a terrified scream, prompting a worried Ruby to enter. As Samantha rushed to her daughter and screamed for help, she somehow lifted the enormous, heavy beam by herself, crushing its metal with her bare hands. She arranged for Mrs. Queller to stay with Ruby and left money for takeout. That night, Samantha experienced a nightmare of a woman in a meadow transforming into a hideous monster. Shocked at this, Patricia led Samantha outside to a shed and showed her an extraterrestrial pod. Once Lena and Kara left, Samantha tucked Ruby into bed, assuring her that Luke was going to be fine, and they expressed admiration for Sam's new friends. Sam immediately worked to resolve the issue, leaving Ruby behind. Sam was angry at her adoptive mother for kicking her out and refusing to lend any support when she had Ruby whilst Patricia maintained that she did what was best for her. She vowed to always be there for her newborn child, no matter the odds. Lena assured Sam that Ruby is safe at her apartment and revealed she knew about her mother's blackouts. Later, the four of them converged at Kara's apartment as Alex received Samantha's medical results. Moments later, Lena and Kara arrived, surprised to run into her, and Sam explained the situation, revealing that Luke was amongst the many children in the city diagnosed with lead poisoning. Lena stated she actually had "the worst mother" and assured Sam that she's doing just fine by a mile from Lillian Luthor. Samantha, enraged by the loss of her father, releases a destructive pulse of energy across Camp Edward. Sam was puzzled and anxious about what could possibly be wrong with her then, but her friends urged her to revel in the good news that the worst possibilities have at least been eliminated. Ruby then questioned Sam on how she managed to lift the metal tower at the waterfront by herself. Samantha is the single mother of Ruby Arias and a good friend of Lena, Alex Danvers, and Kara Danvers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ruby asked about her trip yesterday, but Sam found that she had no clear recollection of the past couple of days, including the nature of her previous two outings. With her new powers, she aided in the defeat of Reign. Samantha realizes the bullet didn't hurt her. Samantha is one of four single friends portrayed in the series. Samantha and Ruby talk about her actions at school. Samantha experiences a "nightmare" of an apparition in her bathroom. Samantha watches as Nikolai pulls a Welling out of his holster. When Reign was attacked by Psi's psychic wave, the resulting effect came into a clashing conflict with the Worldkiller's dictated programming and Samantha's worst fear surfaced: visions of herself losing grip of a crying and distressed Ruby, who vanished into eternal darkness. They were relieved to hear that Lena's lead bomb wasn't responsible but became horrified when Winn revealed that the pool was contaminated with a chemical that mimicked the symptoms of lead poisoning. Remembering what her daughter said and deciding to test her lingering suspicions, Sam tried to bend it. Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi (also known as Powerpuff Girls D or PPGD) is a manga-styled fancomic drawn by Vincent Ngo, commonly known as Bleedman and is hosted by' chapter 7 Bleedman mostly did all the work himself. Sam then made Lena promise to keep Ruby away from her until she was completely cured of Reign's influence.[15]. Sam then agreed to take the day off to be with her daughter. Actor The next day at L-Corp, Samantha was working at her desk when Ruby asked her mother to help her practice her song for an upcoming school recital once finishing her homework. Alex volunteered to do so instead, which Sam happily agreed to. After Samantha searched the entire house, Ruby finally texted her location at Stilton Pizza, asking that her mother come save her. After presumably remaining in stasis for 10 years, her pod landed on Earth around 1989. Status Earth-38 To her shock, Sam realized that she had been shot and checked her side. Stating that the symbol means “stronger together”, Sam assured Ruby that was how they are together as mother and daughter — stronger. Samantha agrees to celebrate with Lena and Kara. Sooner rather than later, Reign discovers that Alex and Lena they're conversing with Sam, so Reign takes control again. A week later, Samantha drove Ruby to school and while they waited in the car, she reminded her daughter that Mrs. Queller would pick her up today; Sam would be busy with meetings, as it was her first day of her new job at L-Corp, for which she expressed excitement over the opportunity. After drinking from the well, Sam grew strong, possessing Kryptonian powers while remaining her own person. When Sam asked the woman about her child, the woman suddenly preached that Ruby and Sam were "special" and "chosen" before handing her a pamphlet for a meeting. Alex and Maggie informed her that they weren't going to have children and were just going to be the cool aunts. Australian Survivor (2017)is the second season of the Network Ten incarnation of the competitive reality TV show Australian Survivor. Later that morning at L-Corp, Samantha prepared for her first meeting as she took a call regarding the status of the company's upcoming deals in the wake of her stepping in. Ensign Samantha "Sam" Wildman was a xenobiologist assigned to the USS Voyager sometime prior to 2371. The Reality Stone/The Aether (Marvel Cinematic Universe) is one of the six Infinity Stones that has … Just then, Ruby arrived and called out to her mother. With Reign's destruction, Sam was happy to find out she no longer possessed Kryptonian DNA and was now fully human. Samantha Power (* 1970), US-amerikanische Journalistin und Autorin Sarah Power (* 1986), kanadische Schauspielerin Seon Power (* 1984), Fußballspieler aus Trinidad und Tobago Lena pressed that Sam could have been shot as well and shouldn't be hiding her, but Sam pointed out that Lena gave her a break when she needed one the most and now, she wanted to return the favor. Samantha discovers the Fortress of Sanctuary. Serena is Samantha's lookalike cousin. She is the leader of the Worldkillers, a race of Kryptonians designed by the Children of Juru through advanced genetic engineering and powerful dark magic after centuries of research. [9], Samantha was moved to a classified L-Corp laboratory, where she was placed into a medically-induced coma so Lena could run tests to monitor the changes in her body.[14]. Samantha briefly overcomes Reign when affected by Psi. Occupation Affiliation As an adult, Samantha briefly became the acting CEO of L-Corp before transitioning to a position as the CFO, though she still partly held the former position on the behalf of her employer, Lena Luthor. The three best friends happily embraced, affirming their sisterly ties with one another. She, along with the rest of Voyager's crew, was sent to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. Samantha and Kara investigate a public pool for signs of poisoning the infected children. When Sam was unconvinced, Lena pointed out that Ruby fell asleep watching her mother work hard, knowing that it was only Sam who could be relied upon to meet L-Corp's corporate expectations (which will serve the company and its employees well in the long run), and that is how one raises a girl to be "a badass" — letting her understand the world at her own pace while always being there to make sure that she makes the right choices in terms of perspective. Sam lamented on how much she's had to lie to Lena of late about work because of her condition, to which Alex suggested telling the truth about her current predicament. Sam promised Ruby that she would recover soon, telling her daughter how much she loved and missed her before hanging up, crying. After checking in with L-Corp's medical team, she confirmed that the antidote synthesized for the ill children to recover was successful, much to everyone's relief. July 16 th, 2020: Sadly, Michael Bell and Phil Proctor will not return to reprise their roles on the revival.However, Cheryl Chase, Melanie Chartoff, and Nancy Cartwright will return to reprise their roles. Sam wondered what this place was, and the projection explained it is the Fortress of Sanctuary, a piece of Sam's home from the dead planet Krypton. General Information Kara, in turn, expresses concern for her, but before the superheroine and her allies could help Sam, Reign quickly regained control and fled. Sometime after turning 16, Samantha became pregnant and was subsequently kicked out of the house by her adoptive mother. After Alex's leg healed, Samantha and Alex headed to one of L-Corp's medical research labs; Sam used her company clearance to allow Alex to medically examine her there, as she didn't fancy doing so at a hospital. Sam and Kara toasted to their teamwork, to which Lena thanked the two for believing in and standing by her throughout this ordeal. Samantha was implied to have exhibited multiple such urges growing up, and Patricia's attempts to suppress them led to tension between mother and daughter.[8]. Suddenly, her business affairs were interrupted by a concerning notification from Davis Middle School; upon arriving, Samantha was informed by Principal Coburn that Ruby had been in a fight with another student, Stephanie Harrison. The Dark Kryptonian attempted to convince Sam to stop Lena from "breaking [their] body" by urging her to surrender to her Worldkiller half.

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