This is not an old song; in fact, it is only a few years old but is still … Bowling for Soup – 1985. If I'm middle aged, then I guess 140 is old. Linda - I'm sure you're getting better with age, like fine wine. Larry - All my best to you and your family this holiday season. A — You’re Adorable (The Alphabet Song) (Perry Como, 1950?) The song is an honest declaration from his heart and soul. I have added it. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on January 20, 2019: Jackienak - Although I couldn't find precisely those words, there is a song recorded by multiple artists entitled, "All by Myself." Whereas at 22 she was full of confidence and hope, now she subsists desperately on one-night stands and broken dreams of Prince Charming. Now, she's wearing mom jeans and raising two bratty teenagers who tell her how big time uncool she is. Genna East from Massachusetts, USA on December 31, 2016: A wonderful list of music focusing on a theme that we live with, each day. Grow Old with Me – Tom Odell. It is thought that the social stigma of aging is associated with its labeling as unpleasant. The famous ... 2. I'm sure I forgot more than one. Question: What song has the lyrics with an old man saying, “I maintain strongly it is more than an ordinary cold”? Yoooo tell me what you want! Looking for more? It's a country song, and here is the YouTube link: One person's mischief is another person's reality. The "Power of Two" is about getting away from the crazy world for a minute to find normalcy together. In this 1987 rock song, a 35-year-old man takes a nostalgic look back at his youth: friends, girlfriends and a teen club called "Cherry Bomb." FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on November 05, 2018: Suhail - Thanks for stopping by. This Grammy-nominated country song from 1992 was the Possum at his spunkiest. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on February 25, 2019: Frances - Thanks for stopping by. This link will open in a new window. Could there be a better metaphor for time itself than that of a landslide. Instead, celebrate growing older with these pop, rock and country songs. And letting others know it. Thanks for a great list of songs about aging. Hello Grandma. What an enjoyable way to spend this Saturday morning, with a New Year fast approaching, celebrating the passage of time. But as you can see from this hilarious list of tweets compiled by Bored Panda, you're certainly not alone. That's pretty cool. Only look forward. The song encapsulates the feeling of love and its stages throughout one’s life, and the freedom it provides. Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on January 22, 2017: You kept me laughing as I read the chart....hate to admit it but they are spot on. I love all of the Franky songs. I’m getting older too . It ranges from fear and sadness to restlessness and. He traces the changes in his father, mother, sister and brother throughout the years from when the children are babies, up through their teens, and into their older years. was it recent or can you give an estimate of the time frame? Looking for more? The older we get, the luckier we should feel to have those breaths. Throughout his career, he won eight Grammys and recorded sixteen albums. Wow that is quite a list. That's a tearjerker, no doubt about it. Question: What country song talks about what it takes to live for 100 years and if it's even worth it? Tell us in the Comments Section below. Peace, Paula. Merry Christmas to you! FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on December 23, 2016: Bill - It is such a poignant song. Wannabe – Spice Girls. I love the songs sung by John Legend and Kenny Rogers. The rest of these are mostly sweet, and then there's #19 which just makes me laugh (again). How 'bout that, 2 choices in 1 response. You can tell by their hands how hard someone works—and how strongly they love. - John Barrymore Thomas, "Help Me Make It (To My Rocking Chair)." That is the first tune that popped into my head. … "I Don't Need Your Rocking Chair" is everyone's ballad to feeling much younger than we look. Play Video Old Geezers school some younger soccer players. Many middle-agers can identify; they straddle two worlds, the carefree years of youth and the aches of old age. May you find some new additions for your Christmas music playlist for the 2020 holiday season. Legend's song is about devotion through time, seasons, passions, and people who come and go. I added "Cherish" to the list at #57. Have a wonderful holiday season and stay warm surrounded by family and friends! I personally think the ultimate three songs for a super funny bday are "older" by "The Mighty Giants", "I Need Never Get Old" by "Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats " and "I Don't Want To Grow Up" by the "Ramones". We had to put Garth Brooks as #1 on this list. It ranges from fear and sadness to restlessness and acceptance of death. , "Can't Forget About You" is Nas looking back at the path and struggles he's had in life. Have a wonderful Christmas! May you always feel as vibrant as I'm sure you do now, in your 20s. The Beach Boys have been performing for almost sixty years. Suhail - That was a very good time in music and we didn't realize how good! (Oh, puh-leez!) George Jones Play 2. Turn!" That Moment When You Realize. You have a wonderful holiday weekend. individual or group? Answer: Here's my best guess: "She Misses Him" by Tim Rushlow (2001). That's good advice. They say that you're only as young as you feel, and in this classic 1988 rock song, the narrator provides good wishes to a parting friend that they'll always feel youthful. We polled friends, scoured the web and asked all of you to share your favourite songs about parenthood from the last 20 years (because there were simply too many good ones if … Of course, you can only hide from old age and the Grim Reaper for so long. There's a sense of confidence and purpose that didn't exist before. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on December 28, 2016: Nadine - Thank you for reading. Have a beautiful holiday season with friends and family. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on January 06, 2017: Catherine - I guess what choice do we have but to go with it?,,,,,,, Well, appreciate where you're at. Never thought there are so many. Turn! Not even the grumpiest of the grumpiest can deny that. Fliboarding right now... Martie Coetser from South Africa on December 23, 2016: What a lovely collection of songs about growing old. Gypsy Rose - So glad you're living it up as you grow older. However, he seeks to share all that life has to offer with her. However, it is 'Cherish' that I cherish the most and hum it often to this day. At 30, you still have your whole life ahead of you, whether you have a husband or not! Have a great weekend. Accept, Best Rock and Alternative Songs About Aging, The artists below sing about their struggles with aging. Through it all, your partner holds all of your truths. Kenny Rogers began his career as a jazz singer, but has some long-standing hits in country. Thanks, Flourish! Dad Sings Parody Song About Getting Old. Because it's something that we'll all acquire if we are lucky enough to live long enough, let's cut each other a break unless we really stink. Question: What song contains the following lyrics: "people grow old and leave us"? I've added the two Frank Sinatra songs. He looks so different from the younger version of himself that he doesn't even recognize himself in the mirror. Looking forward to your next list of themed songs!! The job market's still very tough, your 401 (k) has probably lost its value over the last week, and your rent, car payment and baby mama aren't going to get … Answer: There is a 1998 song by Elvis Costello (featuring Burt Bacharach) called "This House Is Empty Now." "I Believe in You and Me" was written for the "The Preacher's Wife," starring Denzel Washington and Whitney Houston. I added some to this playlist and some to the Spinditty birthday playlist, "Ultimate Happy Birthday Playlist: Popular Songs to Celebrate Your Special Day." A trucker who's been out on the road for several weeks is feeling the strain of his age in this 1989 country song. The song describes Debbie, a woman who once had like, righteous dreams of being a Hollywood actress and dancing seductively on Whitesnake's car—in a half shirt and big hair, no doubt. 22 - Lily Allen. Now I would sing you a Christmas Carole.....but instead I'll just say, "Have a wonderful Holiday Season and may the love & beauty of Christmas last all year long!" Although he finds fame and travels the world, his life centers on relationships: making and keeping lifelong friends, finding a quality partner in life, and having children and grandchildren to keep the loneliness at bay as he ages. Glad to see you included the Beatles song in your list. MFer Photography via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0. Question: What song includes the lyrics, "We're not that young anymore"? Country songs can be matter-of-fact or very revealing about life in general. Even if I'm not able to identify the song, perhaps a reader can help out. You talk about being in the headlights of middle-age? "My Generation" is a song about telling other people to ease up on the current generation. And I’m getting older too, oh yes. Happy New year my friend. When he is propositioned and again when a bar fight breaks out, he acknowledges that back in his prime he was up for both challenges. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on June 15, 2019: siss400 - Thanks for these recommendations. Thank you for your kind comment. Advice from an old man… You'll be waiting on your lady your whole life, so get used to it. Answer: In 1968, Simon & Garfunkel recorded the voices of old people in various locations in New York and Los Angeles for their "Bookends" album. I will check out your poem! Happy 2017! Lennon's lyrics begin with fear about aging. "Maybe I'm Amazed" has the best piano accompaniment to a love song ever performed. Being young—fresh-faced, limber, full of energy and hope—was marvelous. The narrator seeks to impress his lover by describing all the ways he will take care of her as they grow old together. Ah, the circle of life! Twitter. Ralph Stanley Play 5. I’ll tell you what I want, … FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on December 29, 2016: Linda - I love that one as well. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on April 25, 2020: Peggy - My mother-in-law used to refer to things as the last x she would buy, the last x experience she would have. Older ladies are what? Please correct. Sound familiar? Question: Is there a country song with the words "aging gracefully" in it? Nell Rose from England on January 02, 2017: LOL! It all comes to a halt as she writes about how a mother's death catapults you into life's driver's seat. This link will open in a new window. It's good to have some fun with the topic! The narrator in this touching 2015 pop song describes lessons he's picked up along the way in his 60 years of living so far. From keeping her warm to doing the dishes to letting her hold the remote control, he understands that it's the little things in life that add up over the years. I depend on participation to make sure we have a fairly comprehensive playlist. We’re Getting Too Old. "No one can avoid aging, but aging productively is something else." With jokes about hearing aids, bifocals, and not being able to get back up when you bend down, her rendition was a hit with friends and family, as well as over 67,000 people that have viewed the video on YouTube. Check out this funny getting old meme collection we prepared just for you! However, my 40s are even better. Key lyrics: “I know I’ll never lose affection / For people and things that … I did, however, find something similar, a beautiful 2018 song by Lori McKenna called, "People Get Old." Not everyone has a partner to grow old with or wants one. Glad you enjoyed it. Browse Christian News. "We Belong Together" is Carey's ballad to, Frontman Lionel Ritchie wrote this song in 1979, all about the ups and downs of love, and still being in love. Shyron - Thank you for the addition. Old, Fun, Silly, and Unusual Songs of the Fifties, Sixties, and Seventies. Know a song about aging and growing older that should be on this playlist? The full quote of the man is as follows: "Still haven't seen the doctor I was seein'; there's been blood for the last, eh, 48 hours, and I can't get up the mucus for the last, eh, two, three months ... oh, yes, and I maintain, I maintain strongly, to this minute, I don't think it's an ordinary cold." One song I thought about related to getting older with your partner which didn't make your list was: "Cherish," the Cool and the Gang song. I look forward to many more with you in the next year. I'd love to know a little more about the holidays' celebration traditions in South Africa and whether they are similar to what we experience. Rod Stewart says he was inspired to write this song because he suddenly realized that he missed a good 5 years of his kids’ life because he was too busy touring. The rest of the years are filled with anguish or fear. - Katharine Graham, American newspaper publisher. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 26, 2019: Besides, aging is sure better than its alternative, right (death)? "You Are So Beautiful" stops the clock just for a moment so that this man can take a second to let his lady know how he feels about her. McCartney belts out a robust and passionate appreciation for his love. the songs you have listed are fantastic. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 20, 2018: Margie - I agree! Written in 1953, this song a no holds barred, sarcastic look at fleeting love. Martie - Thank you for the kind compliment. He realizes that 100 years isn't all that much time after all. She recalls all the big-name bands she rubbed elbows with along with being the center of the party scene … Nithya Venkat from Dubai on December 23, 2016: What a wonderful selection of songs about aging and growing older. Here are some partial lyrics and the YouTube link: It brings back the memories! Even then, we could be kind about eau de old person. Pedro Ribeiro Simões via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0. Another great list, I love "As Good as I Once Was". Maybe one of these songs can help ease your anxiety about aging, or just make you feel more wisened thanks to the passage of time. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on February 01, 2019: Nithya - Thank you for stopping by. Question: What song has the lyrics, "I want to drive 45 down the highway of life like old folks do"? I thought turning 50 would be traumatic, but you know what, it's just a number and I feel better and we travel more now than we ever have. Answer: The song you're looking for is called, "Old with You" by Cory Morrow (2015). So much of it is attitude! (Jerry Herman) Matchmaker Dolly Levi, after a period of … Hope you have a wonderful weekend! For we were young and sure to have our way. We do realize as we age that our days here on this earth are getting shorter. You can also keep your Geritol, Medicare, and forget about retirement. Linked In. Frontman Lionel Ritchie wrote this song in 1979, all about the ups and downs of love, and still being in love. Steve Dowell from East Central Indiana on December 23, 2016: Well there's Alice Cooper's "Eighteen", but a better choice is "Old Man" by Neil Young - that's my final answer! Funny 3 years ago. Thank you for sharing! FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on December 24, 2016: stevarino - I hope you are doing well. In this 1995 country pop remake of a John Lennon song, the narrator shares a simple request to her lover to make their life's journey together: Grow old along with meWhatever fate decreesWe will see it throughFor our love is trueGod bless our love. Quite a few of them have some hilarious things to say about getting old and old age. love the quotes!and the song I don't look good naked, LOL! Songs about getting older. Here are some of the lyrics as well as a YouTube link to it:, Every line on your face tells a story somebody knows. Kem's "Share My Life" isn't just a song about sharing your life with someone. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes." This is one of his biggest hits, all about seeing the best with a loved one at his side. You would like my poem on HP "Embracing My Inner Crone." If you're not already feeling empowered, listen to "Older Ladies" on repeat and dance around to … Gypsy Rose Lee from Daytona Beach, Florida on December 25, 2016: Another great collection of songs. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on December 25, 2016: MsDora - Glad you enjoyed this. Check out our picks for the best poems about aging and the best books about aging. Answer: The song you want is the 1975 song by B.J. "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac. "Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell. I appreciate you. Nithya Venkat from Dubai on January 30, 2019: All great songs about the experience of growing old. 25 Country Songs About Getting Old. In this 2003 rock song, a man describes his life extending from ages 15 to 100 as well as his relationship with the woman he loves. Hope all is well in your life. "We Belong Together" is Carey's ballad to missing a loved one and wanting them back. 70. "The Night I Called Out to the Old Man" is about a young boy's bravado with his father. Tell the young whippersnappers you know to live it up right so that when their days pass them by, at least they'll have their stories. Suhail Zubaid aka Clark Kent from Mississauga, ON on December 24, 2016: You sent me down to 1980s and 90s when I used to listen to older music. His entire "September of My Years" album from the 60s is an aging song treasure trove, but my fave is "It Was a Very Good Year. What is the song title? Thanks for your comment. Getting Older Sayings and Quotes. We never know how much time we have left, but somewhere inside I think there's a knowing. The man in this 2014 song promises to look after his sweetheart for all of their days together and seeks the same assurance from her. 1. Now that his kids are older, he can take them on tour with him and sing them this song. A guy once walked straight into a telephone pole looking at me. Thanks for stopping by. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on January 01, 2017: Genna - Thanks for stopping by. Answer: While the "if it's even worth it" part is a little questionable, the country song that comes to mind is Kenny Chesney's "Don't Blink" (2007): Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you, Wake up and you're 25, and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife, You just might miss your babies growing like mine did, Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half", Trust me, friend, 100 years goes faster than you think, “Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!” Ingrid Bergman “My physical body may be less efficient and less beautiful in old age. Question: What song about growing older mentions going through photos? And time marches on. Merry Christmas! Discover the best online memorial sites for remembering a loved one... Facebook. Time stops for no one, so why curse what you cannot control? Scientists suggest that the often instantly recognizable old person smell is the manifestation of humans' ability to screen for appropriate mates by detecting age, illness, and genetic suitability. Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on December 23, 2016: 100 Years is one of my all-time favorite songs. 1. But it doesn't stop there; it gets even better. Get over yourself, 'Lil Missy! I knew about 45 of them. That is a Paul Simon (&Garfunkel) song. At 15, he feels he has all the time in the world to dream, but as time passes by he becomes more aware of his mortality. Have a wonderful holiday season. Maybe I should buy it on iTunes for Christmas.). 1) The first is "Back When We Were Beautiful" by Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell (2013). FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on May 02, 2017: steve - I don't always select the original version of the song. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on October 23, 2019: Bob - I love that song too! Durante envies the young who are hopeful, kind, daring, dreamers, and unsettled. That may or may not stop him from talking smack, fighting back or taking someone up on a dare. Some classic songs here; 100 Years, Glory Days, Turn-Turn-Turn, Forever Young. Have a good weekend! Thanks for this list. This catchy 2004 rock song is a nod to the middle-agers among us who prefer the familiar 1980 pop culture of our youth to that of today. Margie's Southern Kitchen from the USA on March 19, 2018: My hubby always says it better to be alive than 6 feet under! Hey would you help me make it to my rockin' chair, Don't wanna be out in the cold without ya. What song has the lyrics, I don’t want to grow older all by myself? Does your inside age match what you see in the mirror? FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 26, 2019: Arjen - Thank you for these suggestions. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on January 22, 2017: bodylevive - Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful 2017! Old person smell thus may signify cell decline. Answer: Are you sure those are the exact lyrics? I Got Friends In Low Places – Garth Brooks. I love Ed Sheeran’s song. Many songwriters and musicians have crafted beautiful melodies and lyrics to sing to the siren that is aging, hoping to slow it down and lull it to sleep to stop it from happening. (Note that if the person in question does not adequately take care of his/her oral hygiene, suffers frequent "accidents," or simply doesn't bathe daily, then we're no longer talking about simple "old person smell."). Released in 2013 on the album Old Yellow Moon, "Back When We Were Beautiful" is a song that recognizes how the world values youth and beauty. That was hilarious! Talk about aging! Amen, sister! Bill Withers sings a beautiful elegy to the woman’s hands that helped shape him. Shame on you for adding Droop, WVa to the list! The Older I Get… I didn't find anything that matches that exactly. When you grow up, there will be jobs, bills, and emotions with which to struggle. 22,000 Days - The Moody Blues. And they can share them over and over and over just like us older folks do now. You're just cruel! Best Rock and Alternative Songs About Aging. It's easier to pretend the world will stay as you know it, but sometimes that all can come crashing down. John Mayer and Bruce Springsteen are my favorites. How old do you feel? Have a lovely week. I Don’t Call It Getting Old. (I initially thought it was Saggy Bottom but Soggy Bottom adds a new layer of context.) The Holderness Family never fails to make hilarious musical parodies that speak to the true and real parts of everyday life. These are really great songs. While for some old age is synonymous with dread and foreboding, for some it is merely a number. "When You're Old and Lonely" is a light-hearted look at loneliness inside old age. So I choose to grow old! Appearing on the album Hip Hop is Dead, "Can't Forget About You" is Nas looking back at the path and struggles he's had in life. The musicians below aren't shy about turning truth into something amusing for us all. Are You Lonesome Tonight" is about a man missing his love—wishing to rekindle their romance or extinguish the light altogether. The artists below recognize that aging in love means fire sometimes accompanies pleasure or tension. It was a really enjoyable hub. Great list. The rest of the years are filled with anguish or fear. I'm glad you enjoyed the playlist. I listened to Michael Caine's autobiography on the radio a few weeks ago (he read it himself, of course). Landslide – Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks wrote "Landslide" in 1973 when she was a part of the British-American band Fleetwood Mac. - Anonymous "Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young." Loved The Wedding Singer. I hope you have a happy and fruitful New Year. grandmother who drives wildly, and everyone knows about her. "Grandma’s Hands" by Bill Withers. Alex Brown via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0, modified by FlourishAnyway. This song is absolutely infectious and you’ll definitely agree as soon as you hear it! FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on May 26, 2018: ShadowsGathered - Thank you for the song suggestion. Though it's easier said than done, isn't it? Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on December 23, 2016: Your article is interesting, as always, but it's also funny. He says he'll feel the same way about her when she is 70 as he does at 23. This light-hearted song comes from the 1998 comedy film, The Wedding Singer. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. It really is about how you choose to use your time. The Grateful Dead – “A Touch of Grey”. Amy Ray and Emily Saliers are the duo behind the Indigo Girls. (Well, at least so far it is.) Old Man Death. “In My Eyes” shares a story about seeing a woman throughout all her ages, and declaring her as lovely no matter how old. All the best. This link will open in a new window. Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on December 25, 2016: I join the celebration of growing old. The unique smell of old people has been variously described as an "unpleasant grassy and greasy odor," the smell of an old book, or the scent of cucumbers and stale beer. Inside: Fire up this playlist of cute, funny love songs and share a smile with your partner.. Last night, my husband made dinner while I followed behind our one-year-old tornado, trying to minimize the destruction – or at least contain it to the kitchen. Thank you for reading and commenting. This song shares the belief that as people age in love, their love gets stronger, through all their trials and tribulations. "Let's Stay Together” is about a man telling his long-time love that he appreciates who he's become with her. Question: The lyrics to the song I am thinking about are, "...makes an old man feel young again."

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